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Matthew John Welch

Matthew Welch is a Program Manager with the World Bank’s Development Data Group. He manages the World Bank Microdata Library and is Co-Lead of the World Development Indicators (WDI). Matthew is also a member of the International Household Survey Network (IHSN) Team.

The IHSN develops tools and best practice guidelines for survey management and dissemination which are being used in National Statistics Offices in over 80 countries and international organizations. Matthew is experienced in implementing survey data archiving and dissemination best practice at National Statistics Offices in developing countries. This includes expertise in statistical disclosure control (anonymization).

Prior to joining the World Bank, Matthew worked as an Economist for more than 15 years at the University of Cape Town, Saldru and DataFirst. Primarily working on social survey design, implementation, archiving and the data management and dissemination process. He also worked extensively on the establishment and management of survey data archives, survey data analysis, and the implementation of open‐source technologies, online survey analysis, and dissemination software.


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Tel :+1-202-473-2474