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Bernice Van Bronkhorst

Bernice Van Bronkhorst, a Dutch national, was the Global Director for Urban, Resilience and Land Global Department (GPURL). In her role, she provided leadership and guidance to the work of the Urban, Resilience and Land Global Department; overseeing the implementation of the Bank's Urban, Resilience and Land Strategy; and providing leadership to the global urban agenda.

Ms. Van Bronkhorst joined the World Bank in 2005 as an Urban Specialist in the Latin America and the Caribbean Region. She has since held various positions, including as Sector/Practice Manager for the Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Global Department in the South Asia Region, and Practice Manager for Urban Development and Disaster Risk Management for East and Southern Africa in the Social, Urban, Rural and Resilience Global Department. Most recently, prior to joining GPURL, she was the Global Director for the Climate Change Global Department.


Bernice Van Bronkhorst
1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20433