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BRIEF August 18, 2021

Russian ED’s office hosted a webinar on the exchange of experiences in e-government between Russia and Argentina

In July 29, 2021 the Russian ED’s office hosted a web seminar between the Russian Ministry of Economic Development, the Russian Ministry of Digital Development and Mass Communications, the Argentinian Secretariat of Public Innovations and the Bank’s staff on different aspects of national experiences with the development of e-government systems.


Russian Deputy Ministers D.Volvach and O.Kachanov together with their colleagues delivered a presentation on the Russian system of e-government named “Gosuslugi”. Secretary of Public Innovation of Argentina M.Sanchez Malcolm, Secretary of Public Innovation presented the details of the Argentinian system of e-government.

During the meeting participants have exchanged experiences as well as their opinions on key issues, challenges and solutions that could enable smooth deployment and development of the e-government systems and agreed to continue a dialogue on the governmental level.