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Call for proposals to civil society
Jun 26, 2024

Have you registered for the Annual Meetings 2024?

All civil society participants who would like to attend the meetings and CSPF in-person or virtually must register for the Annual Meetings via the registration link. The registration process is online and free of charge. Registration is now open, and will close on October 11, 2024.

Event August 21, 2024

Register for the Annual Meetings!

Registrations will close on October 11.

Blog August 21, 2024

Empowering Zimbabwe's Youth for Health

Tjedu Moyo shares her journey in advancing sexual and reproductive health for young Zimbabweans, facing challenges head-on.

Blog August 21, 2024

Malawi's Battle Against Corruption

Through an alliance with the World Bank, civil society, and private foundations, Malawi developed an $80M transparency program.

Today’s global challenges require collective action. The World Bank Group (WBG) engages with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) around the globe to create lasting solutions for people and planet. To address poverty, conflict, fragility, climate change, inequality, and other crises, we need strong partnerships and collaboration.

Non-governmental organizations, community-based organizations, coalitions, foundations and non-profits, labor unions, professional associations, charitable groups, and faith-based organizations can make important contributions to the WBG’s mission to end extreme poverty and improve shared prosperity.

The World Bank Group engages with CSOs through advocacy, consultation, information sharing, partnership building, policy dialogue, and operational collaboration. Learn more about each facet in the tabs below. 

  • CSOs help generate public awareness and advance advocacy targets around shared priorities such as health, education, social inclusion, climate change, and accountability to name a few. 

  • An essential part of the Bank Group's country engagement model, CSOs frequently provide input through consultations – time-limited engagements through which interested and impacted parties can share their input and perspectives on a proposed area of our work. Consulting with beneficiaries throughout the project cycle is embedded within the Environmental and Social Framework and Citizen Engagement Framework. A recent example is the extensive feedback provided by CSOs on the Bank Group’s Evolution Process. In addition, we seek civil society feedback while designing our Country Partnership Framework that frames the WBG’s engagement in client countries.

  • We partner with CSOs across the world to deliver essential services. When there is operational collaboration, CSOs receive financial support for project implementation through contracts with governments or international organizations that we support in line with our operating model. Our projects encourage governments to actively collaborate with CSOs, as we believe CSOs can enhance development projects through their local knowledge, technical expertise, and social capital. In some cases, CSOs lead in implementing development projects or provide key services monitoring project outcomes. Their role as emergency responders is especially important in areas where governments and international financial institutions either cannot operate or struggle to reach ultra-poor communities, such as in fragile or conflict-affected areas.

  • CSOs often partner with the Bank Group to enhance collaboration on a particular development topic, sector, or initiative. Our partnership with civil society is built upon the recognition that CSOs often have closer contact on the ground and offer valuable insights, perspectives, and support that differ from other stakeholders.

  • Policy dialogue with CSOs takes place frequently at both the country and global levels. In addition, twice a year, CSOs convene at the Annual and Spring Meetings to take part in the Civil Society Policy Forum (CSPF). The CSPF provides an open space for CSOs and other stakeholders to dialogue and exchange views with WBG and IMF staff, their peers, government delegations, and other stakeholders on a wide range of topics. During the CSPF, Bank Group colleagues often organize bilateral meetings with CSO executives, roundtables, and discussions with select stakeholder groups to discuss various institutional initiatives and priorities.

  • Accessible and accurate information is an integral part of the Bank Group's policy on openness and transparency. CSOs can access a wealth of information via the project and operations portal. In addition, twe proactively share information with CSOs via monthly newsletters and calls, giving them an opportunity to discuss current priorities, report launches, or opportunities for engagement. Our latest Knowledge Compact also aims to foster high-value knowledge partnerships and build strong knowledge networks with stakeholders including CSOs.


Enhancing Civil Society Engagement for Development Impact: An innovative approach from Nigeria

CSPF AMs 2024

The Annual Meetings 2024 Civil Society Policy Forum (CSPF) will take place in October 2024. Register today!