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PRESS RELEASE August 29, 2007

World Bank Launches Bond in South African Rand

Washington, DC, August 29, 2007 – The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the "World Bank") rated Aaa/AAA, issued a 400 million South African Rand (ZAR) due May 12, 2009 for European retail and institutional investors. The ZAR 400 million bond is a syndicated transaction lead managed by Deutsche Bank AG. The co-lead managers are ABN Amro, RBC, and TD Securities. 
Amount: ZAR 400 million
Settlement date: September 12, 2007
Maturity date: May 12, 2009
Issue price: 100%
Coupon: 10% annually
Denomination: ZAR 10,000
Listing: Luxembourg
Clearing systems: Euroclear and Clearstream
ISIN: XS0319375407

The World Bank's bond products and investor presentation can be accessed through the website of the World Bank for bond investors ( For a list of selected bonds issued recently by the World Bank, see:
