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Public Debt Management Conference 2019

September 4-5, 2019

Paris, France


PDM Network: Public Debt Management Conference 2019 Participants

  • The Public Debt Management Network, an initiative fostered by the OECD, the Italian Treasury and The World Bank, held a Public Debt Management Conference on September 4-5, 2019 at the Headquarters of the OECD in Paris, France.

    The conference aimed at building, sharing and developing knowledge on public debt management. It was among the few events specifically aimed at promoting dialogue among policy makers (debt managers, central bankers, regulators), academics and market practitioners (investors, dealers, market infrastructures’ managers), to encourage knowledge sharing and collaboration across organizational and disciplinary boundaries, and to foster the development and dissemination of best practices in public debt management.

    The keynote address was delivered by Professor Pier Carlo Padoan, Member of the Italian Parliament and former OECD DSG and Chief Economist. Throughout the event practicioners and academics alike delivered 19 presentations and 8 sessions, covering several different aspects of public debt, ranging from sovereign balance sheets risks to modelling issues, from market liquidity to issuance strategies and debt sustainability.