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BRIEF October 1, 2018

Consultations for FYR Macedonia Country Partnership Framework (CPF) 2019-2022


The view of Ohrid.

Photo: T. Georgiev/The World Bank


The World Bank Group (WBG) has launched the preparation process for its new partnership framework with FYR Macedonia for the period 2019 – 2023. The process involves consultations with different stakeholders, including the government, international financial institutions, civil society and the private sector, to exchange views on the country’s development opportunities and how the World Bank Group can help address them.

The Country Partnership Framework (CPF) is the World Bank’s strategy document, which outlines areas of assistance and prioritizes World Bank Group support to FYR Macedonia’s development agenda. Based on the Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD) findings and preliminary consultations with the Government counterparts, the WBG is considering engagement in three broad areas:

  1. Foster an enabling environment for a competitive private sector;
  2. Expand skills and opportunities for the most vulnerable people in society;
  3. Enhance institutional, fiscal, environmental sustainability, and resilience.

For additional details, please consult the following presentation and review the Systematic Country Diagnostic Executive Summary, which provides an overview of the key findings.

Share your views

Consultations will run throughout October and November 2018 and include both face-to-face meetings with different stakeholders, including the government, international financial institutions, civil society and the private sector, as well as online consultation through a survey.

The objective of the online consultations is to obtain inputs from the public and key stakeholders about the strategic directions for the World Bank Group engagement in the country over the period 2019 - 2023. We invite you to help us identify the right strategic goals by completing this simple opinion survey:

The online process will run through December 10, 2018.

Please send any comments, questions or suggestions to Anita Bozinovska at the following email address: or leave a comment on the World Bank Skopje Facebook page.