Senegal: Dakar Toll Highway Project

June 2, 2009

IDA Credit: US$105 million equivalent
Terms: Maturity = 40 years; Grace period = 10 years
Project Description: The project will improve road infrastructure between Dakar and Diamniadio, build a new city for displaced people, support the restructuring of PIS, one of the poorest areas in Dakar, provide access to basic social and economic services to communities affected by construction of the highway, and contribute to the mitigation of one of the largest pollution sources in Dakar, the Mbeubeuss solid waste deposit. The project has four components:  (a) Road Infrastructure; (b) Right of Way Clearing, Urban Development of the Tivaouane Peulh Resettlement Site, and Implementation of the Mbao Forest Management Plan; (c) Urban Restructuring of Pikine Irrigulier Sud; and (d) Program Implementation.

Media Contacts
Rachel McColgan
Tel : (202) 458-5299

