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Factsheet May 18, 2018

US 100 Million Investment in Tunisian Human Capital to Strengthen the Foundations of Education - Key Facts

  • The objectives of the Project are to improve learning conditions in public preschools and primary schools, and to increase access to public preschool education in selected districts.
  • The Project is designed to support the Government in addressing major challenges in the primary education cycle by directing resources towards key areas that can have a transformative impact on student learning.
  • The Project interventions will focus on expanding access to quality early childhood education, strengthening literacy and numeracy in the early grades, improving teacher skills, and improving school management and accountability, and student assessment.
  • The proposed Project will support results from Pillar II: Reducing regional disparities and Pillar III: Promoting increased social inclusion of the Country Partnership Framework (CPF) (2016–2020). The CPF underlines the strong links between education and poverty and vulnerability in Tunisia.
  • The Project will contribute to the CPF objectives: 2.1 Improved access to and quality of services in lagging regions, and 3.3 Improved and more equitable social programs. By increasing the supply of preschool services in lagging districts.

This project has 4 components:

  • Component 1: Improving quality and increasing supply of public preschool education (estimated total cost: US$19.6 million; World Bank: US$19.6 million)
  • Component 2: Improving learning conditions in public primary schools (estimated total cost: US$46.6 million; World Bank: US$46.6 million)
  • Component 3: Strengthening management practices in the education sector (estimated total cost: US$62.5 million; World Bank: US$32.5 million)
  • Component 4: Project Management Support (estimated total cost: USD 1.3 million, Bank: USD 1.3 million.