The world today faces a resurgence of violent conflict, giving rise to historically high levels of forced displacement and humanitarian need. Climate change, famine, pandemics and other global risks interconnect to create a complex fragility landscape, affecting both low- and middle-income countries. The World Bank Group (WBG) is strengthening support to address fragility, conflict and violence (FCV), to achieve its goals to end extreme poverty and promote shared prosperity.
Under the theme Managing Risks for Peace and Stability, the 2018 Fragility Forum will bring together policy makers and practitioners from humanitarian, development, peace and security communities to share practical solutions and explore innovative ways to improve development approaches to foster peace and stability.
Discussions will encompass how humanitarian, development, peace and security communities can complement and reinforce each other to tackle fragility across a broad spectrum of countries and contexts, emphasizing early action to manage risks. Helping host countries prepare and better manage refugee crises, crowding in private sector investment, and the role of women and youths will be featured prominently.
#FragilityForum18 #dev4peace