A Message from Asli Demirguc-Kunt, World Bank Director of Research—August 2016

August 17, 2016

Welcome to this month’s World Bank Research E-Newsletter, a monthly summary of research conducted by our department.

In 2013 the World Bank announced the two goals that now define our mission—ending extreme poverty by 2030 and promoting shared prosperity. All of our department’s work contributes to these two goals in some way, but our work around measuring global poverty—as seen in the headline global poverty figures and our Policy Research Report on the topic—is particularly critical in ensuring progress toward these goals. It was therefore encouraging to hear the preliminary findings of the Commission on Global Poverty’s Report on Measuring Poverty (watch video), which places a premium on high-quality data on both the monetary and non-monetary aspects of poverty. Check back September 27 when the final report is due to be launched.     

Also making waves these last few weeks: our recent report on Making Politics Work for Development. The Executive Director of J-PAL called it a “remarkable new World Bank report.” Duncan Green of Oxfam said it was “thought-provoking in at least two big areas.” And the Director of Policy and Learning at the BBC called the report and an accompanying working paper “two of the best” of many recent reports on the topic of governance. To learn more, check out the report, a video of the launch, or a presentation with the report’s key findings.      

This month’s newsletter focuses on the theme of climate change. Recent papers cover many critical aspects of climate change, including forecasts of the impact of climate change in coastal Bangladesh; the optimal path to implementing carbon pricing in China; the value of mangrove forests in climate change protection; and much more.





Asli Demirgüç-Kunt

(Former) Chief Economist

Stuti Khemani

Senior Economist