
Inequality in Focus: Home


The World Bank's Inequality in Focus newsletter informs the public policy debate on equity, inequality of opportunity, and socioeconomic mobility. Inequality in Focus features articles written by World Bank staff, as well as researchers and policy makers from the broader development community. 

Gama Freds Klainda/World Bank

The latest issue of Inequality in Focus takes a closer look at the World Bank Group's twin goals of ending extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity. Should they be prioritized? Might they compete for attention and resources within countries? The authors explore these questions and more. The issue also includes an interview with Professor Raj Chetty, an award-winning economist and Harvard professor, on increasing opportunities and improving income mobility for the poor. His work on how the quality of teaching at all levels of education can substantially improve the outcomes and opportunities for students may have important implications for education in low-, middle-, and high-income countries alike.

" There is good evidence that you continue to improve kids’ outcomes in the long run if you improve education at all age levels...we should continue investing and trying to improve the quality of education at all points in time. "

Raj Chetty

Harvard University

What drives inequality and how does it affect poverty reduction efforts and economic growth? The World Bank's Inequality in Focus newsletter seeks to answer these and many other questions.

Who are we?

Executive Editor
Pedro Olinto

Editorial Team
Christina Malmberg Calvo (Sector Manager); Maximillian Ashwill (Managing Editor); Julie Barbet-Gros and Fernanda Luchine Ishihara (Research Staff); Maura K. Leary (Web Editor); Mary Anne Mulligan (Copy Editing/Design) and Anna Reva (Production).
