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Freedom to Move - Part I: What Factors Shape Women’s Mobility?

November 18, 2020


  • Watch the video recording here

    Women’s social and economic empowerment depends on the ability to move about freely and safely. Women’s mobility choices and their ability to access jobs are influenced by a combination of infrastructure, transport services, and community and household factors. It is also important to recognize that women use transport modes, assess public space safety, and make employment decisions very differently depending on their social standing, ethnic background and geographical location. This webinar will present research from Argentina, Brazil, Peru, India, and North Macedonia to unpack mobility among different of groups women, and offer a variety of practical recommendations for improving their mobility.

  • Karla Dominguez Gonzalez

    Karla Dominguez Gonzalez is a Gender Specialist in the Transport Global Practice of the World Bank. During her time at the World Bank, she has focused on the analysis of the barriers and enabler’s for women’s mobility and accessibility, strategies to address sexual harassment in public transport within urban settings, and gender analysis for rural road projects in Latin America and Africa. Before joining the WB, she worked for international NGOs as Oxfam and for different agencies of the Mexican government, including the Ministry of Social Development, where she coordinated the design and implementation of its gender mainstreaming strategy. Karla holds a MSc Development Management from the London School of Economics and Political Science and a Certificate on Public Administration from the Maxwell School at Syracuse University.

    Nato Kurshitashvili

    Nato Kurshitashvili is a Gender Specialist with the Transport Global Practice at the World Bank. Previously she worked as a Principal Gender Adviser at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Prior to that, she had been part of the Statistical Division of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe working in a multi-country project to support national statistical offices to improve collection and dissemination of sex-disaggregated data. Nato holds a MSc in Social Policy and Development from the London School of Economics and Political Science and MA in Public Policy from the Central European University.

    Muneeza Alam

    Muneeza Mehmood Alam is an Economist in the Transport Global Practice of the World Bank. During her time at the Bank she has worked on a myriad of topics relating to infrastructure and economic policy. These include economic corridors and regional connectivity, urban transport, logistics, gender, and electric mobility. Muneeza has a keen interest in understanding the mechanisms through which the economic and social benefits of transport investments can be maximized and more equitably distributed. Muneeza holds a PhD in Economics from Yale University and prior to joining the World Bank she has worked in economic consulting.