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Introduction to Git and GitHub – Part 2

May 8, 2019

MC 7-300

  • Git and GitHub, when used together, provide a collaborative platform for task management, version tracking, and collaboration on outputs across teams of any size. This training series introduces the concepts of Git, GitHub, and the Git client; provides an introduction to Git and GitHub repositories inside and outside the World Bank Group; provides an introductions to using GitHub for task management; and demonstrates the use of the Git Flow workflow system for collaborative work.

    In this module we will discuss 

    • An introduction to using Git and GitHub in an individual system, creating and understanding commits and branches locally, and merging changes.


    • Introduction to Git and GitHub sessions 1

    Audience: RAs and TTLs with technical competencies who are interested in using Git software to coordinate technical work or prepare public release repositories.

    Registration is required to participate.


  • DIME is a World Bank-wide program to generate knowledge on the effectiveness of development policies. Working across 18 thematic areas, DIME collaborates with 300 agencies in 72 countries to improve the effectiveness of policies and programs and strengthen country capacity for real-time evidence-based policy-making. More »