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Universal Health Coverage Annual Financing Forum
April 14-15, 2016Willard Intercontinental Hotel, Washington DC

While the last 20 years have seen unprecedented progress in health with dramatic decreases in under-5 and maternal mortality rates worldwide, there remain major challenges in reaching universal health coverage (UHC) and, more broadly, achieving the health related sustainable development goals (SDGs).

The Lancet Commission on Investing in Health estimated the need for an additional US$ 70 to US$ 90 billion in funding per year to scale up efforts that address the unfinished agenda of the Millennium Development Goals, take on the growing epidemic of non-communicable diseases and injuries, and strengthen health systems. Therefore, as we look toward the future, one of the most important challenges is to ensure the availability and sustainability of financing. 

This Forum is envisioned as the first of a series of annual events that will bring together countries and partners to shape a joint agenda on sustainable financing for UHC and provide a platform to advance knowledge and its application in financing UHC. The 2016 Forum will focus specifically on the topic of Resource Mobilization including through domestic sources, with particular reference to improving revenue collection, prioritizing funds for health, strengthening the role of development assistance, and harnessing private sector financing. 

The event will include a mix of plenary and parallel sessions and will bring together approximately 250 experts on public and health finance, including representatives from Ministries of Finance and Health from low and middle-income countries, and staff from partner organizations, including bi- and multi-lateral institutions, civil society organizations, think tanks, and academia. Some of these sessions will be webcast. For webcast links, please click here.

Annual Financing Forum Concept Note [pdf]

Agenda [pdf]

Background Paper [pdf]

DAY 1 – Thursday April 14, 2016

All sessions are in main ballroom unless specified otherwise

0800-0900 Arrival & Registration / Breakfast

0900-0925 Welcome, opening remarks Keith Hansen, Vice President for Human Development (WB) and Ariel Pablos-Mendez, Assistant Administrator for Global Health (USAID)

0925-0945 Setting the stage: A new era of health financing? (PDF)

0945-1100 Mobilizing domestic public financing for health (PDF)

1100-1130 Coffee Break

1130-1245 Making the case for health: Prioritizing health in public budgets (PDF)

1245- 1400 Lunch

1400- 1500 Parallel sessions:

  • Making and using future health spending and health burden estimates for advocacy and long-term financial planning (Garfield Room) (PDF)
  • Capacity building in health financing: Practitioner to practitioner learning through the Joint Learning Network for UHC (JLN) and its new initiative on innovative health financing (Taylor Room) (PDF)
  • Social and development impact bonds as financing instruments to contribute to UHC (Fillmore Room)
  • Webcast: The Global Financing Facility: An opportunity to reenergize the UHC financing agenda (PDF)

1500-1600 Parallel Sessions:

1600-1630 Coffee Break

1630-1730 Parallel Sessions:

  • Managing the health sector wage bill (Taylor Room)
  • Anti-corruption approaches: Strengthening governance and accountability in the health sector (Fillmore Room)
  • Global health economics and public policy: recent evidence on health financing and managing the macro-fiscal outlook for health (Garfield Room) (PDF) (PDF) (PDF)
  • Aligning and leveraging domestic and external financing to accelerate progress toward universal health coverage

Agenda [pdf]


DAY 2 – Friday April 15, 2016

All sessions are in main ballroom

0800-0900 Breakfast

0900-0930 Webcast: Keynote Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Gavi Board Chair

Webcast: Changing the approach of development assistance in the face of increasing domestic resources

1045-1115 Coffee Break


Webcast: Harnessing the potential of the private sector (PDF)

1230-1330 Lunch


Webcast: Looking ahead – Setting the agenda for the next AUHCFF

Webcast: Key take-aways 2016

Webcast: Closing remarks Tim Evans, Senior Director for Health, Nutrition and Population Global Practice, World Bank

1530-1630 Reception

Master of ceremonies: Hadia Samaha, Senior Operations Officer (World Bank)

Agenda [pdf]

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