DIME Workshop on Impact Evaluations for the SDGs
March 27-31, 2017Kampala, Uganda | Muyonyo Commonwealth Resort

From March 27th to 31st 2017, the African Evaluation Association will hold its 8th AfrEA International Conference in Muyonyo Commonwealth Resort, Kampala, Uganda, in collaboration with the Uganda Evaluation Association and the Office of the Prime Minister of Uganda. The 2017 Conference, themed “Evaluation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Opportunities and Challenges for Africa”, aims to promote exchange between researchers, academia, emerging evaluators and practitioners on demand and supply of credible evaluative evidence in support of the SDGs in Africa. It will also build capacity to design, manage and use evaluations to help governments achieve their national and international development agendas, particularly around the SDGs and the Africa 2063 Agenda.

To contribute to the capacity building objectives of this conference, the Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) unit of the World Bank Development Research Group (DECRG) has signed a Strand Coordination Agreement with AfrEA. Through this agreement, DIME has committed to conduct an Impact Evaluation (IE) workshop aiming at providing technical tools in rigorous IEs methods to workshop participants, and showcasing the role of IEs in helping developing countries deliver on the SDGs.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2017

Workshop description/program of activities (including learner outcomes, key themes, training methodology)

Overview of DIME and IE (0.5 hour)

This session will:

• Introduce DIME business model

• Define IE and contrast with the Monitoring & Evaluation tool

• Give an overview of how to use IE for real time policy decisions

• Discuss how rigorous IEs such as those conducted at DIME can and are supporting the SDGs.

Methods sessions (3 hours)

This session will provide theoretical and practical

tools necessary along the IE lifecycle. It will include:

• Overview of experimental and non-experimental

IE Methods (45mn + 45mn)

• Capturing spillover effects and heterogeneous effects (30mn)

• Technology-led innovations for high quality data (30 min)

• Lab: Sampling and power calculation + Introduction to DIME ietoolkit (30mn)

Example of DIME IE products (1 hour)

This session will use selected cases from DIME portfolio to exemplify, from the research idea through the results stage, what we learn from impact evaluation and how it influences policy (60 min)

Interactive case study (1.5 hours)

In breakout sessions, subgroups will discuss and apply the learning from the day, share ideas and IE experience across participating institutions, and work/discuss through a provided case study (90 min)

Concluding session (0.5 hour)

Plenary to present ideas emerging from the group discussions and way forward (30mn)

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2017

Event Details
  • Contact: : Serge Adjognon
