World Bank Help Train Project Teams To Deliver Better Projects And Better Results For The Benefit Of Timor-Leste People

February 22, 2012

Dili, February 22nd, 2012—As an effort to strengthen the impact of the Bank-financed projects in Timor-Leste, World Bank office in Timor-Leste held a two-day Implementation Clinic from February 21st to 22nd, 2012. Participating at this event were the Project Implementation Units (PIU) from relevant ministries who were given training on how to improve project processes in order to deliver the best possible results for the people of Timor-Leste.

In his opening remark, Country Manager Luis Constantino, highlighted the necessity of having good quality projects
“It is important to create strategies and to have ideas about what would the project be, however, what really matters are that how these projects are put into service and benefit people. The World Bank is giving high priority on ensuring projects are implemented to the highest possible standards”.

The World Bank had been working in Timor-Leste since its inception in 1999 and had financed numerous projects ranging from building infrastructure, such as schools, roads and hospitals; stabilizing the market, establishing strong government’s institutions, etc.

Currently World Bank is financing seven active projects in sectors, including: infrastructure; health; education; social protection, and energy  
“Timor-Leste has seven active projects at different stages. Some of these projects are doing well while others could be  improved through greater support and guidance from World Bank teams”, said  Kanthan Shankar, World Bank’s Manager of Portfolio and Operations for Pacific region.

The Implementation Support Clinic being conducted by the World Bank aimed to provide support to the PIUs (elaborate on this please)and Ministries on problems and challenges they face on completing their projects.  The training also helped the project teams and Ministry staff to share information with each others about their projects  - which will benefit both Bank and Government projects. .

 Rui Manuel Hanjam, the Vice-Minister of Finance of Timor-Leste, in his opening remark for the event, emphasized the importance of the clinic, especially for the project teams
“I believe it is important for you, as the executor of the bank-financed project, to take part in this Implementation Clinic to increase your knowledge and capacity on how to better putting the projects into something beneficial for the people”.

Media Contacts
In Timor Leste
Felix Maia
Tel : (670) 723 0554

