Cambodia: Consultation Plan

June 29, 2015

The World Bank Group (WBG) will carry out consultations with a wide range of stakeholders to exchange views and perceptions on Cambodia’s development opportunities and pressing challenges, and ways to address them in the next two to three years.

Key Stakeholder Groups to Be Consulted

The WBG will hold several consultation meetings with different stakeholder groups. Participants in the consultation with civil society organizations (CSO) will be selected by four NGO networks: the Cooperation Committee of Cambodia (CCC), NGO Forum, Community Peacebuilding Network and Khmer Youth Association. Each network will invite about 10-20 participants. 



Officials from the Ministry of Economy and Finance; officials and
representatives of the Line Ministries; and officials and
representatives of Public Entities such as the Anti-Corruption Unit,
National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM), Council for
Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD)and the National
Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development (NCDD)



Sub-national Government

Elected members at provincial, district and commune councils

Development Partners

Donors and UN agencies

Private Sector

Representatives of domestic and international private sector


Representatives of community-based organizations, service
delivery NGOs, advocacy NGOs, and youth organizations

The Consultation Process

The consultation process includes both face-to-face consultation meetings as well as an on-line/web-based platform (available in Khmer and English) to enable participation by a wider range of stakeholders.

Face-to-Face Consultations:

The face-to-face consultation meetings will be structured to allow plenary presentations and discussions and/or small focus group discussions. These meetings may take around 3-4 hours including break-out group discussions and reporting with neutral facilitator. Face-to-face meetings are planned in June-July 2015.   

Online Platform:

To collect input from interested  stakeholders who are not able to attend the face-to-face meetings, an online survey form is available on the consultations webpage. Respondents can either submit the form online or  download it and send the completed survey to the World Bank Office in Phnom Penh by fax, mail or email on or before July 13, 2015. The online platform will be available in both English and Khmer.

Location of the Consultation Meetings

The meetings will be held in Phnom Penh and in the provinces of Siem Reap, Kampong Cham, and Preah Sihanouk. These provinces have been selected as hub locations for the sub-national consultation meetings because they are most accessible to participants from neighboring provinces.

The sub-national consultation meetings will be organized as follow:



Siem Reap

Participants from Siem Reap, Kampong Thom, Battambang, and Banteay
Meanchey Provinces

Kampong Cham

Participants from Kampong Cham, Tboung Khmom, Kratie, Svay Rieng,
and Prey Veng Provinces

Phnom Penh

Participants from Phnom Penh, Kandal, Kampong Speu, Kampong
Chnang, and Pursat Provinces

Preah Sihanouk

Participants from Preah Sihanouk, Kampot, Koh Kong, and Takeo

Participants at each of the four sub-national consultation meetings should include:

  • Four provincial council members from each selected province
  • Three district council members from each district (two districts are selected from each selected province)
  • Two communes are selected from each selected district. From each commune, participants are expected to include the commune chief and two commune council members

The WBG will offer to cover the travel costs of invited participants who will need financial assistance to travel to the meetings.


The consultations with Government, Parliament, private sector, UN and development partners will be conducted in English with simultaneous interpretation to Khmer. The consultations with sub-national government officials and CSOs will be conducted in Khmer with simultaneous interpretation to English.

Relevant Background Materials 

Invitations and relevant background materials in English and Khmer will be sent to the participants, at least ten days before the scheduled meetings.

Stakeholder Feedback

A summary note of each  consultation meeting  will be sent to the participants for a brief review and validation period. Proposed revisions will be incorporated to the extent possible. The finalized summaries of meetings with the development partners, private sector, and CSOs, as well as the participants lists, will be posted on the WBG consultation website. The posted summaries will be available in English and Khmer. 

 A preliminary summary highlighting inputs and feedback from all consultation meetings and the online survey will be presented to the Ministry of Economy and Finance at a planned wrap-up meeting at the end of the consultation period. The final summary will  be posted on the consultation website.

Government Officials from the Ministry of Economy and Finance; officials and representatives of the Line Ministries; and officials and representatives of Public Entities such as the Anti-Corruption Unit, National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM), Council for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD)and the National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development (NCDD) 
Parliament Parliamentarians 

Sub-national Government

Elected members at provincial, district and commune councils

Development Partners

Donors and UN agencies

Private Sector

Representatives of domestic and international private sector companies


Representatives of community-based organizations, service delivery NGOs, advocacy NGOs
Government Officials from the Ministry of Economy and Finance; officials and representatives of the Line Ministries; and officials and representatives of Public Entities such as the Anti-Corruption Unit, National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM), Council for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD)and the National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development (NCDD) 
Parliament Parliamentarians 

Sub-national Government

Elected members at provincial, district and commune councils

Development Partners

Donors and UN agencies

Private Sector

Representatives of domestic and international private sector companies


Representatives of community-based organizations, service delivery NGOs, advocacy NGOs
