Global Partnership for Social Accountability Opens 2nd Call for Proposals for Mongolia

November 26, 2013

The GPSA is pleased to announce its 2nd Global Call for Proposals. In Mongolia the GPSA seeks proposals for Social Accountability initiatives and programs from Civil Society Organizations to address one or all of the following:

  • Monitor construction and/or maintenance of roads and public buildings from the planning phase to the delivery, including budgeting and procurement. The information produced will be used by local governments, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Construction and Road Agencies to improve the quality of roads and public buildings.
  • Monitor and evaluate the quality of the education service to stimulate parental involvement and citizen demand for school performance, by (i) improving the availability of information to parents and the public on the quality of service delivery; (ii) using different mechanisms to make such information accessible to schools, communities, regions, and national stakeholders; and (iii) assessing the impact of such information dissemination. The information produced will be used by the Ministry of Education and local governments to improve the education services at the aimag and the National level.

In order to be considered, proposals must demonstrate clearly that:

  1. The project will push the boundaries from pilots to large-scale interventions that may be replicated country-wide;
  2. The proposed intervention is related to ongoing initiatives focusing on similar objectives. It should identify the value added of GPSA support;
  3. It proposes wide-range partnerships with other CSOs that would enable the proposal to achieve a large scale and leverage existing experience; and
  4. The project will generate information that is needed to complement existing processes already supported by relevant public institutions.
  5. Institutional strengthening activities and capacity-building through a “learning-by-doing” approach that will result in the CSO’s increased capacity to implement social accountability. 

GPSA supports proposals that:

  • Have an estimated duration of 3 to 5 years, in order to enable sustained and strategic funding for Social Accountability;
  • Propose a detailed budget for total grant amounts in the indicative funding range between US$500,000 and US$1,000,000. Funding requests below this range will be considered. The requested funds must correlate with the proposal’s duration. 

Eligible CSOs: Legal entities that fall outside the public or for profit sector, such as non-government organizations, not-for-profit media organizations, charitable organizations, faith-based organizations, professional organizations, labor unions, workers’ organizations, associations of elected local representatives, foundations and policy development and research institutes.

Applicant CSO must provide proof of legal status in one of GPSA’s eligible (“opted-in”) countries.

Please review the GPSA Application Guidelines for details about how to apply for a grant, eligibility requirements, selection criteria and selection process. 

If you are interested in applying please visit to read the GPSA Application Guidelines and to access the application forms. 

Media Contacts
In Ulaanbaatar
Tina Puntsag
Tel : + (976 11) 312647 ext. 207


