Government of Rwanda to Increase Agricultural Productivity and Farmers Revenues

February 23, 2012

WASHINGTON, February 23, 2012 – The World Bank today approved a US$80 million International Development Association Credit for the Rwanda Third Rural Sector Support Project (RSSP3).

Representing the final phase of a 3 phased program that began in 2001, RSSP3 aims to continue to increase agricultural productivity of marshlands and hillsides in the sub-watersheds targeted for development in an environmentally sustainable manner and, to strengthen the participation of beneficiaries in market-based value chains. Focus areas of the project include: expanding the irrigated area of cultivated marshlands; increasing the use of sustainable land management practices; financing economic infrastructures needs articulated by beneficiary communities; and building the capacity of the beneficiaries, through Water User Associations (WUAs) and cooperatives for sustainable utilization of the irrigation and economic infrastructure.

Key outcomes expected by the end of the project include that at least 6,000 additional hectares of irrigated marshlands will have been rehabilitated or developed; at least 17,000 additional hectares of hillsides will have been sustainably developed; and both the share of commercialized agricultural products from targeted areas and the number of farmers in targeted areas who have adopted sustainable land management practices on hillsides or marshlands will have increased.

Overall therefore, RSSP3 seeks to build upon the progress achieved by the Government of Rwanda since 2001 in seeking to attain its strategic goal of unlocking rural growth in order to increase incomes and reduce poverty, through promoting sustainable intensification of the marshlands and surrounding hillsides.

“The World Bank is pleased to work with the Government to extend the already successful growth-stimulating rural sector support activities of the first two phases, while emphasizing diversification of economic activities to increase and stabilize rural incomes” said Hardwick Tchale, World Bank Senior Agricultural Economist and the Project Task Team Leader.

* The International Development Association (IDA) is the part of the World Bank that helps the world’s poorest countries. Established in 1960, IDA reduces poverty by providing interest-free credits and grants that boost economic growth, and improve people’s living conditions. IDA credits are zero interest and repaid over 25 to 40 years, including a 5 to 10-year grace period.

Media Contacts
In Washington
Aby Toure
Tel : (202) 473-8302
In Kigali
Kayihura Rogers
Tel : (250) 591 303

