World Bank Assists Zambia with Roads and Rail Rehabilitation

June 1, 2010

LUSAKA, June 1, 2010—The International Development Association’s support to Zambia’s transport sector has mainly been in the advancement of the country’s road and rail sub sectors. In the road sub-sector, IDA has, since 1998, supported the government’s Road Sector Investment Program (ROADSIP), which has seen paved roads in good and fair condition go from 27 percent to 80 percent.

The unpaved road network has also improved from below 10 percent of roads in good and fair condition to 27 percent.  Total IDA financing from 1998 to date is in excess of   US$275 million.

The second phase of the ROADSIP program started in 2004 and will end in 2013. IDA support to the ROADSIP II program from 2004 to date amounts to US$170 million.

The projects have included the construction or rehabilitation of the following arteries:

  • Chingola-Kasumbalesa road
  • Kafulafuta-Luanshya By-Pass
  • Lusaka-Chirundu mountain road
  • Chiawa Bridge on the Kafue River in the Lower Zambezi (to be constructed)
  • Mufuchani Bridge on the Kafue River in Kitwe (to be constructed)
  • Construction of the two bridges will support agricultural activities in the respective areas.

In the rail sub-sector, the World Bank has assisted Zambia’s government in securing a grant from the Private Sector Infrastructure Advisory Fund (PPIAF) to carry out the “Zambia Railways Concession Study”.

The study will determine rail infrastructure investment requirements and how best these investments can be funded. Messrs CPSC TRANSCOM of Canada will conduct the study, which is expected to be complete in May 2010.

The government hopes to use the study to create a concrete policy towards improvement of the railway industry in Zambia.

