The World Bank Group invites interested parties to respond to a Request for Proposals (RFP) for ODK BASED CAPI TOOL AND CLOUD PLATFORM FOR SURVEYS (RFP 18-0079).
Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) in the Development Research Group evaluates the impact of select World Bank projects and those of other Multilateral Development Banks to help transform development policy, reduce extreme poverty and secure shared prosperity. DIME’s objective is to increase the use of Impact Evaluation (IE) in the design and implementation of public policy, to (i) improve World Bank and other MDB-funded development projects and public policy to deliver better outcomes, (ii) strengthen country institutions for evidence-based policy making, and (iii) generate knowledge in strategic development areas. The majority of DIME IEs are associated with World Bank projects.
DIME generates evidence on what programs and policies work by targeting important, relevant, and demand-driven policy questions and empowering policy-makers to promote evidence-based policy-making in developing countries. Most importantly, by engaging government counterparts throughout the IE cycle, from identification of policy questions to the design and implementation of the IE, DIME puts governments in driver seats to test innovations and scale up solutions for their most pressing policy issues. Through this approach of identifying pathways from policy to results, DIME shapes the way development work is done at scale and in many contexts and practices.
DIME supports high research quality and policy relevance to ensure that the answers provided are actionable. To do so, DIME aims to secure high quality: (i) methods used for causal analysis; (ii) data generation; (iii) study protocols and implementation; (iv) analysis and peer review; and (v) collaboration and policy dialogue to ensure policy actions at multiple stages of the policy cycle.
Most DIME impact evaluations rely on primary data, collected through surveys. Since 2013, most DIME surveys have been done through Computer Assisted Personal Interviews (CAPI).
In the past year, DIME staff supervised 40 CAPI surveys (19 baselines and 21 follow-up surveys); since 2009, DIME has lead 208 surveys. Typically, DIME surveys are integrated household surveys, requiring complex survey instruments, comparable to Living Standard Measurement Surveys. The scale of DIME surveys varies, but a typical number of respondents is 2,000. An individual survey is almost always shorter than a year, typically 3-4 months, so at any given time there are a lower number of active surveys. Using an estimated average of 4 survey months per survey gives us an estimated 160 survey months per year. The demand of surveys has a seasonal variation so it cannot be assumed that the 160 survey months are even distributed. Most surveys pull in data from previous survey rounds or other sources, to “pre-load” certain answer choices. For example, a follow-up survey might pull in data from the baseline survey on household members or previous agricultural activities.
For the past years, DIME has implemented CAPI surveys working through third-party contractors, such as survey firms. This engagement model leads to concerns over data privacy and ownership, therefore we now seek proposals for an ODK-based CAPI solution which the World Bank Group could directly procure and ensure concerns over data privacy and ownership are addressed and that there is full compliance with institutional policies and procedures.
The primary objective of this RFP is a survey data collection solution, based on the Open Data Kit data collection tools. The vendor proposal must include:
· Platform hosting
· Data backup / restore
· Communication with tablets used to collect survey data in the field
· Platform maintenance
· Professional services
The outcome of the RFP will be the selection of one (1) qualified vendor with an existing software solution to provide a platform and support services for Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) surveys designed using the Open Data Kit language.
The solicitation may be obtained by sending an email to the designated Contracting Officer, referencing the following information:
1. Solicitation Number
2. Company Name
3. Contact Person Name and Title
4. Address
5. Telephone Number
6. Fax Number
7. Contact's Email Address
A copy of the solicitation will be sent to organizations that have replied to and are eligible to receive this advertisement. All requests and questions regarding this solicitation shall be directed to the following designated Corporate Procurement Contract Officer:
Phannath Million at (
The WBG reserves the right to publicly disclose contract award information, including but not limited to, name of company receiving the award, brief description of services, and contract award amount, for any contract award valued over US$250,000. Offeror's proposal and contractual documents will remain confidential and therefore not subject to disclosure.
The World Bank Group reserves the right to reject any or all responses without recourse.