World Bank Approves US$35million for Kenya's Coastal Development

July 27, 2010

WASHINGTON, July 27, 2010—The World Bank has approved a credit of US$35 million to help Kenya promote environmentally sustainable management of its coastal and marine resources.


The Kenya Coastal Development Project approved by the World Bank Board of Executive Directors today will also benefit from a US$5 million Global Environment Facility (GEF) grant to strengthen conservation and sustainable use of marine and coastal biodiversity.


“Kenyans living in Coast province are among the poorest in the country, despite the province's considerable potential for economic growth from tourism, fisheries and other investments,” says Johannes Zutt, the Country Director for Kenya. “This project will help to increase economic opportunities for coastal communities by promoting environmentally-sustainable tourism and fisheries, equitable sharing of tourism and fisheries revenues, and investment in rural micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises.” 


The project will promote sustainable management of tourism and fisheries resources in line with the government’s Vision 2030, which identifies tourism as an engine of growth, job creation, poverty reduction and wealth generation in the Coastal region. It will support governance reforms of fisheries management in an exclusive economic zone and promote research in near-shore fish stocks to increase sustainable and profitable fishing practices.


The project will also improve the management and regeneration of natural resources and biodiversity of the Coastal and marine environments, reflecting the environmental sustainability theme of the Bank’s Country Partnership Strategy for Kenya, which was endorsed by the Board in April 2010. Provision


“These objectives will be complemented by sustainable livelihoods in a sound governance framework including spatial planning and land capability mapping, integrated coastal management and compliance with regulations and safeguards,” says William Leeds Lane, the project’s Task Team Leader. 


The project will also promote dialogue amongst national partners and regional stakeholders, and establish a Community Village Fund to build capacity of micro projects through grants.


This investment is the first in a series planned by the government, Bank and other development partners to improve the economic viability of Kenya’s Coast and increase economic opportunities for the estimated 2.5 million people in the region.


The credit is provided on standard terms of the International Development Association (IDA), the Bank’s concessionary lending arm, which include a 10-year grace period and a 40-year maturity period.

Media Contacts
In Nairobi
Peter Warutere
Tel : (+254 20) 3226444
In Washington
Francois Gouahinga
Tel : (202) 473-0696


