Iraq - Second Expenditure Rationalization, Energy Efficiency, and State-Owned Enterprise Governance Programmatic Development Policy Financing

December 20, 2016

WASHINGTON, December 20, 2016 - The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved the following project:

Iraq - Second Expenditure Rationalization, Energy Efficiency, and State-Owned Enterprise Governance

Programmatic Development Policy Financing

IBRD Loan: US $ 1,443.82 million

Maturity of 18 years, Grace period of 5 years

Project ID: P161167

Project Description: The Program aims to support the Iraq Government’s effort to safeguard economic stability and lay the foundations for longer-term structural reforms that would support private sector development and inclusive growth. Its development objectives are expenditure rationalization, energy efficiency and the transparency and governance of SOEs. 

Media Contacts
William Stebbins
Tel : (202) 458-7883

