The Internet Archive, a non-profit digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts, provides free access to researchers, historians, scholars, and the general public.
The International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC)
The IIPC, is a group of 12 participating institutions, chartered at the Bibliothèque nationale de France to fund and participate in projects and working groups for preserving Internet content for future generations.
Web Capture Program (Library Of Congress)
Information about Library of Congress web capture activities, history, tools, archiving and technical background.
A virtual European library, funded by the European Comission and the members states, aiming to make Europe's cultural and scientific resources accessible for the public. The website is a prototype. Europeana Version 1.0 is being developed and will launch in 2010 with links to over 6 million digital objects.
This web archive contains the websites of, mainly, EU institutions and agencies. Most of this sites are hosted on the domain.