Profile of Nile Basin Initiative

Website Name Nile Basin Initiative
Website Description This website contains information on the Nile Basin initiative, which is an unprecedented effort by the 10 countries that share the Nile river to jointly develop and manage their shared resource to fight poverty, catalyze socio-economic development, and promote peace in the region
Website Owner Office of the Regional Vice Pres (AFRVP)
Business Process Regional Development
Original URL,,menuPK:2960057~pagePK:64168427~piPK:64168435~theSitePK:2959951,00.html
Topic Poverty,Water Resources
  • Burundi
  • Egypt, Arab Republic of
Language English
Keywords Nile basin initiative NBI, Trust fund, NBTF, Nile river, socio-economic development
Year Website Created 2006
Date Archived 08/23/2010
Is Website Discontinued? Yes