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Tertiary Education and Skills (TES) Multi-Donor Trust Fund

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How TES Works

TES offers a modular structure, where partners can customize their interventions by selecting pillars, components, and themes according to their priorities.


TES supports activities under three main pillars:

  1. WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT including informal/nonformal Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), skills training through youth employment and active labor market and entrepreneurship programs, and on-the-job and enterprise training. 
  2. YOUTH AND ADULT LEARNING including literacy programs, provision of digital skills, remedial education, and adult education programs.
  3. HIGHER EDUCATION encompassing university,  technical and technological programs, and certificates.


TES supported activities fall under two components:

  1. GLOBAL PUBLIC GOODS to develop diagnostic tools and analytical work that help address gaps and reform opportunities of TES systems and institutions, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.
  2. COUNTRY SUPPORT to design, pilot, implement, and evaluate TES policies and programs with solid country ownership.


TES supported activities will be guided by five cross-cutting themes:

  1. Advancing 21st Century Skills and Employability
  2. Promoting Research, Innovation, and Adaptation
  3. Prioritizing Equity, Inclusion, and Climate
  4. Ensuring Strong Institutions and Management
  5. Leveraging Transformative Education Technologies (EdTech)