The Economic and Social Case for Human Capital Investments


"A crucial investment for countries to be competitive and successful in the economy of the future."

Human capital is essential to inclusive economic growth and wellbeing. Building human capital is, therefore, critical for all countries at all income levels to compete in the economy of the future. Countries around the world are increasingly taking action on this, with the number of Human Capital countries increasing from 28 to over 60 since the launch of the Human Capital Project (HCP) six months ago.

These videos entail discussions and a Q&A session with the World Bank’s CEO Kristalina Georgieva, Paraguay’s Minister of Finance Benigno Lopez, New Zealand’s Minister of Finance Grant Robertson, and Dangote Foundation’s CEO Zouera Youssoufou. These talks were moderated by the BBC’s Michelle Fleury.

The discussions are focused on creating the right conditions to (1) move the needle on more and better investments in people, (2) women’s economic empowerment as a key driver of economic growth, (3) investing in a child’s first 1,000 days through health, nutrition, and early education, as well as (4) involving the private sector and civil society in service delivery and building the workforce of tomorrow.

Panelists stress that elevating human capital should not be seen as an expenditure for ministers, but rather an investment, with the HCP serving as a toolkit for countries to make the most impactful investments in their people. 

To learn more about the World Bank's Human Capital Project, click here.

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