

2016年8月4日,世界银行执行董事会批准了本《环境和社会框架》以便在其出资的投资项目中帮助保护人和环境。《环境和社会框架》的组成包括世界银行可持续发展愿景、世界银行《针对投资项目融资的环境和社会政策》以及十个《环境和社会标准》。这些内容提出了对世界银行和借款国处理投资项目中的环境和社会风险及影响的要求。举例来说这些要求包括:进行环境和社会影响评价、就项目的潜在影响向受影响的社区征询意见,以及恢复搬迁移民的生计等。 这个为期两天的面对面课程将就《环境和社会框架》如何应用于世行通过投资项目融资支持的项目,对参训人员进行培训。为了成功地参与这项面对面的培训,强烈建议参训人员在培训前先完成网络课程“世界银行环境和社会框架简介”。《环境和社会框架》及其他学习材料可见于:

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  1. Ted like video talks
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  4. Live events and Knowledge Exchanges
  5. Communities of Practice

You will have access to an extensive catalog of resources through which you can search and discover relevant learning materials.

How to Access the Course Content

To access the course content, please follow the below registration steps:

  1. Open
  2. Navigate to “No account?” and select “Create one!”. Select “Next” to continue with the next step.
  3. Enter the code that you received via email at the “Enter Code” field. Select “Sign in” to continue with the next step.
  4. Fill in your First and Last Names and select a preferred communication language. Select “Next” to continue with the next step.
  5. Select up to five learning goals. Select “Next” to continue with the next step.
  6. Select up to five skills. Select “Next” to continue with the next step.
  7. Congratulations and welcome to the OLC! You’ll find additional tips and suggestions inside the “Welcome to the Open Learning Campus” channel at the top of the home page.

Course Details

  • Mode: Self-Paced