Falls can be prevented, especially in a hospital setting. This course provides tools to implement a fall prevention program, including infrastructure, assessments and processes, fall reduction tips, and compliance monitoring.
Course Overview
This training course is based on internationally recognized hospital quality requirements, including best industry practices and includes the following topics:
- Importance of implementing a fall prevention program
- Establishing the fall safety team
- Establish infrastructure to prevent falls
- Establishing the fall prevention culture
- Promote fall prevention for patients
- Assessing and reducing patient fall risk
- Engaging at the interpersonal level
- Reassessing fall risk
- Managing and assessing post-fall
- Monitor fall prevention compliance
- Monitoring compliance
- Establish a fall safety team
- Establish the infrastructure to prevent falls
- Promote fall prevention for patients, staff, and visitors
- Monitor fall prevention compliance
Target Audience
Anyone involved in a health care facility, especially those with the responsibility of setting and implementing policy and infrastructure.
Manda Grant, Yana Gorbantenko, Julia Khalimova, Natalia Tulieva, Fatima Javed