Conflict of Interest Risk Management for Your Project


This course is targeted for both World Bank Group staff and clients, as well as others such as partners working in development and those who are interested in the topic of conflict of interest risk management. The main objective of this course is to raise awareness on the basics of various types of conflict of interest situations often seen in development projects, including “gray areas”. Participants will be able to gain basic skills for identifying, assessing and managing conflict of interest risks and also have a chance to connect with others taking the course. The course is divided into 3 modules: 1) What is conflict of interest risk management and why is it important?; 2) Applying conflict of interest risk management lens to common project tasks; and 3) Challenges and pitfalls of conflict of interest risk management. The participants will also have access to knowledge checks (quizzes) and a resource section for additional reading and research. (Note: World Bank Group rules/policies are given as indicative examples in this course, but this is not a World Bank Group compliance training).

This course was developed by the Ethics and Business Conduct (EBC) Vice Presidency in collaboration with the Governance Global Practice and the Open Learning Campus.

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  1. Ted like video talks
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How to Access the Course Content

To access the course content, please follow the below registration steps:

  1. Open
  2. Navigate to “No account?” and select “Create one!”. Select “Next” to continue with the next step.
  3. Enter the code that you received via email at the “Enter Code” field. Select “Sign in” to continue with the next step.
  4. Fill in your First and Last Names and select a preferred communication language. Select “Next” to continue with the next step.
  5. Select up to five learning goals. Select “Next” to continue with the next step.
  6. Select up to five skills. Select “Next” to continue with the next step.
  7. Congratulations and welcome to the OLC! You’ll find additional tips and suggestions inside the “Welcome to the Open Learning Campus” channel at the top of the home page.

Course Details

  • Mode: Self-Paced