The World Bank seeks services from a consulting firm to develop a policy; legal and regulatory enabling framework for private sector participation in Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) in Kenya and strengthen capacity in the sector on frameworks. The general scope of activities under the study is to:i. Assess the gaps in the current enabling policy; legal and regulatory framework to enable integration of BESS into Kenya’s power network;ii. Benchmark with other jurisdictions on policy; legal and regulatory framework on BESS;iii. Identify the necessary improvements and revisions needed to create and/or enhance the robustness of the enabling framework;iv. Identify the risks and determine a suitable risk allocation and mitigation framework for promoting private sector participation in BESS;v. Analyze options for the financing; development and ownership for privately developed BESS; including describing available business and revenue models; assess required contractual arrangements with relevant public sector entities and make recommendations for suitable option(s) and;vi. Undertake capacity building on the draft policy; legal and regulatory enabling framework for BESS to the GoK counterpart staff and relevant stakeholders.