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publication June 1, 2018

Step by Step - Toolkit Promoting Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in Children and Teens | Grades 1 and 2 Curriculum

The Step by Step toolkit, developed by the World Bank with external contributors, aims to equip teachers with resources that can help students from age 6-17 better understand and manage their emotions, thoughts, impulses and behaviors, form and sustain positive relationships, and make the most out of life by making responsible decisions and pursuing meaningful goals. The Step by Step toolkit offers a series of practical lessons and support materials designed to be implemented in the classroom by the teacher. Read more

Challenges in Grades 1 and 2

The Step by Step lessons for Grades 1 and 2 are designed for children ages 6 and 7. By this developmental stage, children consolidate their school experiences and face new challenges such as stepping into primary school, the cognitive demand of the courses they are taking, and the way they recognize themselves and relate to others. The cognitive development of children at this age group allows them to think about themselves and their actions. However, their thinking is still very concrete so they need specific reference points for learning.

Role of the Teacher

At this age, the teacher’s opinion is very important for the child, along with comments and feedback from other adults. What we say about children may have a huge impact on them and lead to significant consequences, both positive and negative. Thus, it is crucial that throughout the lessons teachers offer feedback on the effort rather than on the outcome. The role of the teacher is to facilitate the lessons, and encourage students to apply and regularly practice the skills we seek to develop. Rather than lecturing them, the teacher should let them express themselves and apply what they have learned. In place of transferring knowledge, by proposing the suggested activities, the teacher stimulates the  children’s thoughts and emotions, and sets up a safe and nurturing learning environment for them.



Materials in English

Materials in Spanish

Teacher’s Guide for Grade 1

Teacher’s Guide for Grade 1

Student Workbook for Grade 1

Student Workbook for Grade 1



Materials in English

Materials in Spanish

Teacher’s Guide for Grade 2

Teacher’s Guide for Grade 2

Student Workbook for Grade 2

Student Workbook for Grade 2

