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LOANS & CREDITS September 30, 2020

Mozambique - Cyclone Idai and Kenneth Emergency Recovery and Resilience Project - Additional Financing (CERRP)

IDA Crisis Response Window Grant: US$ 14.7 million equivalent

IDA Additional Grant: US$ 58.8 million equivalent

Project ID: P174294

Project Objectives Description: The Project Development Objective was revised to capture outcomes associated with the activation of the IDA Immediate Response Mechanism (IRM). It now reads: (a) to support the recovery of public and private infrastructure and livelihoods; (b) to strengthen climate resilience in the areas most affected by Cyclones Idai and  Kenneth; and (c) to provide immediate and effective response to an eligible crisis or emergency. In response to the impacts caused by the Coronavirus Disease 2019  (COVID-19) pandemic, the Government requested the activation of the IDA IRM in April 2020, to support the emergency response in health and social protection through a reallocation of US$73.5 million to the Contingent Emergency Response Component (CERC) of the CERRP. The proposed Additional Financing will support the replenishment of the Project to ensure originally planned activities under the CERRP would be  financed and implemented as originally intended and will include adjustments to the project results framework to introduce new monitoring indicators and targets related to the CERC support to COVID-19 activities.


Aby Toure
(202) 473-8302