Consultations: 2015 Development Policy Financing Retrospective
January 03-February 03, 2015Online

The World Bank has begun preparations for the 2015 Development Policy Financing (DPF) Retrospective. DPF is a lending instrument that provides general budget support to countries for policy and institutional reforms that help them achieve development results. The purpose of the Retrospective exercise is to review all development policy financing operations approved during a three-year period to identify lessons learned. The 2015 Retrospective will look closely at the environmental and social aspects of development policy financing.

During the preparation of the Retrospective, the World Bank will conduct consultations with a range of stakeholders. The concept note for the 2015 Retrospective was posted in on the World Bank’s consultation website for information and comments until February 3, 2015. If the link does not work, please send your comments to

The World Bank will also conduct consultations in various countries to receive feedback on the preliminary findings of the Retrospective in Spring 2015. A summary of the feedback received during the consultations on the findings will be prepared and posted. The feedback received from the consultations will inform the final 2015 Development Policy Financing Retrospective.

If you have any questions, please email the team at
