Private Sector Solutions for Water Scarcity in Agriculture
October 9, 2013Washington, D.C.

A panel explores ways to overcome water scarcity challenges facing farmers in many regions of the world.

Without water security, food security is impossible to achieve. For many regions, including parts of Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and Africa, water scarcity is a crisis. Private companies are actively developing technology for producing more food with less water.  Despite the business case for these solutions, farmers face persistent challenges for adopting them. This panel discussion will explore ways to overcome these challenges. It brings together private companies, who deliver irrigation and inputs like seeds to farmers in developing countries, together with public policy makers who grapple with the competing demands for water.

Jin Yong Cai
, IFC Executive Vice President and CEO
Makhtar Diop, World Bank President for Africa
Humberto Cruz, Director, National Water Authority of Peru.
Linda Fisher, Dupont Vice President for Safety, Health and Environment & Chief Sustainability Officer
Ran Tal, Vice President, Netafim
Rich Berkland
, Vice President International Sales, Valmont

Usha Rao-Monari
, Director, IFC Sustainable Business Advisory Department

Oct. 9, 4-5 pm EDT
  • Private Sector Solutions for Water Scarcity in Agriculture: : A discussion with World Bank Group officials and private companies.
