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Mary Catherine Van Rompaey

Catherine Van Rompey

Program Manager, Development Data Group

Development Economics

Catherine Van Rompaey is a Program Manager for National Accounts and Business Statistics in the World Bank’s Development Data Group. In this role, she oversees a variety of activities, including representing the World Bank in international standard-setting and statistical coordination for national accounts, updates to the World Development Indicators and country classifications, along with a diverse range of technical assistance projects to build capacity and strengthen data resources for World Bank operational countries.

Before joining the World Bank in 2020, Catherine accumulated over 30 years of experience in national accounts and social statistics at Statistics Canada. Her most recent role was as Director of Canada’s National Economic Accounts program. Her experience includes the ongoing compilation of gross domestic product (GDP), national wealth, productivity and capital stock, along with supply and use tables and industry accounts. She has also overseen household survey programs on income, consumption, and wealth for social statistics and undertaken a variety of specialized studies and analyses.

Catherine serves as president on the council for the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW).


  • Washington, DC
    Tel : +1-202-679-7983