The overall objective of this market diagnostic and scoping study is to catalyse the development of social bonds and blue finance markets in India. This project will include the following two components and related objectives: COMPONENT I: SOCIAL BONDS - The objective of this component is to scale up access to long term finance in key social sectors; including affordable housing; MSMEs; particularly women-owned MSMEs; etc. by:*Assessing the existing enabling environment i.e.; policies; regulations; guidelines and/or taxonomies and incentives related to India’s SDG ambitions and social bonds. * Identifying potential long term financing opportunities to leverage Debt Capital Markets; particularly for social bonds in India.*Identify key potential partners for catalytic demonstration transactions. COMPONENT II: BLUE FINANCE - The objective of this component is to develop insights on potential blue sectors; business models; opportunities; market gaps; financing needs and potential partners/clients for collaboration on blue finance in India.