
Papers Prepared for the Sixth Urban Research and Knowledge Symposium

The collection of papers posted here were prepared in connection with the World Bank's Sixth Urban Research and Knowledge Symposium, held in October 2012. They were commissioned to help fill research gaps about urbanization, poverty alleviation and sustainable development.

Overview: The Urban Imperative: Toward Shared Prosperity
Edward Glaeser, Harvard University
Abha Joshi-Ghani, The World Bank

Converting Land into Affordable Housing Floor Space
Alain Bertaud, NYU Stern Urbanization Project

Housing and Urbanization in Africa: Unleashing a Formal Market Process
Paul Collier,
Oxford University
Anthony J. Venables, Oxford University

Analyzing Urban Systems: Have Megacities Become Too Large?
Klaus Desmet, Universidad Carlos III
Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, Princeton University

Trends. The Shifting Urban Economic Landscape: What Does it Mean for Cities?
Richard Dobbs, McKinsey Global Institute
Jaana Remes, McKinsey Global Institute

Urban Transport: Can Public-Private Partnerships Work?
Eduardo Engel, Yale and Universidad de Chile
Alexander Galetovic, Universidad de los Andes

Urbanization as Opportunity
Brandon Fuller, NYU Stern Urbanization Project
Paul Romer, Stern School of Business, New York University

Urbanization and (In)Formalization
Ejaz Ghani, The World Bank
Ravi Kanbur, Cornell University

Housing Matters
Sonia Hammam, Independent Researcher

Urbanization and the Geography of Development
J. Vernon Henderson, Brown University and the National Bureau of Economic Research

Sustainable and Smart Cities
Matthew E. Kahn, University of California, Los Angeles, and the National Bureau of Economic Research

The Great Migration: Urban Aspirations
Michael Keith, COMPASS, Oxford University

Entrepreneurship, Public Policy, and Cities
Josh Lerner, Harvard University and the National Bureau of Economic Research

Are Cities the New Growth Escalator?
Enrico Moretti, University of California, Berkeley

Bridging Divides: Enabling Urban Capabilities
Saskia Sassen, Columbia University

Infrastructure: Doing More with Less
Jonathan Woetzel, McKinsey Global Institute
Herbert Pohl, McKinsey Global Institute

The goal of the symposium and these papers is to inform policy choices that can help policymakers manage potential economic efficiency, environmental sustainability, and social equity trade-offs associated with urbanization.
