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Engineering a Solution for Disasters: The Promise of Resilient Infrastructure

November 28, 2017

Sendai, Japan

World Bosai Forum / International Disaster and Risk Conference 2017, Sendai Session: Engineering a Solution for Disasters: The Promise of Resilient Infrastructure
Organizer: World Bank Tokyo Disaster Risk Management Hub

  • At the World Bank, investment in resilient infrastructure has averaged $2 billion annually over the last fi ve years, creating a portfolio of more than 70 projects in over 35 countries. In addition, the Bank is working closely with the Government of Japan
    on scaling up investments in high-quality, disaster-resilient infrastructure through engagements financed under the “Japan-World Bank Program for Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Management in Developing Countries.”

    In this context, the session will: (1) Discuss the importance of mainstreaming disaster risk reduction into various sectors in developing countries and elaborate on opportunities, challenges and the lessons learnt to date; (2) Take an in-depth look at
    the role of resilient infrastructure in mitigating climate and disaster risks, especially across sectors like transportation, urban fl ood risk management, building regulation, and others; and, (3) Showcase how the World Bank is working closely with the Government of Japan through the “Japan-World Bank Program on Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Management in Developing Countries” to scale up investments in high-quality disaster resilient infrastructure, with specifi c examples from the East Asia and Pacifi c Region.


    Francis Ghesquiere
    Manager, Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), World Bank

    Jolanta Kryspin-Watson
    Lead Disaster Risk Management Specialist, World Bank

    Kiyoshi Murakami
    Vice Mayor and Senior Executive Advisor at Rikuzentakata City


  • DATE/TIME: Tuesday, November 28, 2017, 10:45am-12:15pm (JST)
  • VENUE: Hagi (Room 3), 2F, Conference Building, Sendai International Center
  • LANGUAGE: English and Japanese (with simultaneous interpretation)
  • ADMISSION: The session is free and open to public
  • CONTACT: Secretariat for the World Bosai Forum TEL:022-224-2104