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Resilient Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Tourism Technical Deep Dive

April 10-15, 2017

Tokyo and Kyoto, Japan

  • From April 10-15, 2017, the World Bank Tokyo Development Learning Center (TDLC) and Tokyo based Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Hub conducted a five-day Technical Deep Dive in coordination with City of Kyoto, UNESCO, Ritsumeikan University, UNWTO, and Cultural Affairs Agency, and discussed deeply on the resilience of cultural heritage assets against natural and human-made disaster. This was the eighth TDD that TDLC organized to offer first-hand knowledge exchange opportunities for World Bank clients. Approximately 45 participants from about 9 countries including Albania, Bhutan, China, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Tanzania and Uzbekistan presented and actively shared their challenges and experiences on cultural heritage resilience and sustainable tourism through presentations, site visits and action plan discussions in Tokyo and Kyoto.