PSLO Retreat 2016 in Zagreb, Croatia
PSLO Retreat 2016 in Zagreb, Croatia
May 9-10, 2016Zagreb, Croatia

Some 30 PSLOs, primarily from Europe and North America, attended the Retreat in Zagreb, Croatia on May 9-10th, 2016, hosted by the Croatian Chamber of Economy. This year’s program included presentations by the World Bank Group on the European and Central Asia regional context, strategy, and portfolio, an update on the new WB Procurement framework, as well as an overview of the International Finance Corporation’s (IFC) work in the region.

The retreat also featured presentations by the Croatian Chamber of Economy on Croatia’s business environment and investment opportunities, the Croatian Ministry of Economy on the country’s national investment plan, Croatian companies, and the Technology Innovation Center –the Implementing Agency for the World Bank-financed Second Science & Technology Project. As with past retreats, the PSLOs and private sector representatives also shared their experience and best practices for working with IFIs. PSLO Retreats are a training opportunity for PSLOs to further develop their knowledge and understanding of WBG products and services, discuss development topics of interest to the private sector, and foster knowledge-sharing and collaboration among network members.
